Servers generate a lot of email. If you're a sysadmin, you already know this. If you work with sysadmins, then you're to blame (ok, maybe not). In either case, dealing with server email is time consuming, and the signal-to-noise ratio is low. More often than not these emails are ignored (procmail FTW!).

Is this a good thing?



These emails are generated for a reason, and that reason is usually that there's something amiss on your server. Instead of /dev/null'ing all of these useful nuggets, why not mine them with Splunk?

In this How To we'll setup a catch-all Postfix server and use it to Splunk all of your system generated email.


Note: Splunk need not be installed on the same system as Postfix, but for the purposes of this How To, they are co-existent.


  1. Ensure you've downloaded and installed Splunk.
  2. Ensure you've installed Postfix (Ubuntu: apt-get install postfix -f).


  1. Edit Postfix's main.cfg configuration and set the following values:
  2. Set virtual_alias_domains to all hosts from which you're going to accept mail: virtual_alias_domains =,
  3. Set virtual_alias_maps to your virtual alias map file: virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
  4. In Postfix's virtual_alias_map file create a catch-all alias for each host from which you'll be accepting mail:  catch-all  catch-all
  5. In Postfix's aliases file create a catch-all alias and redirect it to a Maildir: catch-all: /var/mail/catch-all/

  6. Refresh aliases, rehash maps, and reload Postfix configs:

    sudo newaliases
    sudo postmap /etc/postfix/virtual
    sudo postfix reload
  7. In Splunk's inputs.conf file configure batch monitor of the catch-all Maildir:

    # $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/inputs.conf
    interval = 300
    disabled = false
    index = admin_mail
    source = admin_mail
    move_policy = sinkhole
    sourcetype = admin_mail
  8. In Splunk's props.conf file configure email event parsing:

    # $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/props.conf
    TRUNCATE = 0
    TIME_PREFIX = Date:\s
    LINE_BREAKER = x6939844b3e9eae3093ed00e67a0dd33b
    BREAK_ONLY_BEFORE = x6939844b3e9eae3093ed00e67a0dd33b
  9. In Splunk's indexes.conf file configure the email index:

    # $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/indexes.conf
    homePath   = $SPLUNK_DB/admin_mail/db
    coldPath   = $SPLUNK_DB/admin_mail/colddb
    thawedPath = $SPLUNK_DB/admin_mail/thaweddb
  10. Restart Splunk: splunk restart

  11. Now configure your servers(s) to use the Postfix catch-all mail server. In Postfix this can be accomplished in main.cfg: relayhost =


You can now search Splunk for system emails: index="admin_mail" ERROR

Which should return results like these:

admin_mail splunk search result